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I’ve been writing books as far back as I can remember. My first books were made out of cardboard and duct tape. I still have them.

Around 2005, I decided to write for publication. I joined the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and attended writing conferences. I volunteered for leadership positions and joined critique groups.

In 2007, I wrote a picture book for Columbus, Indiana’s Art Council called MOUSE’S BEST GIFT. The book adorned the city’s store windows during Christmas. A parade and interactive game accompanied the story. Since then, I’ve written a four-book children's series about Indiana called INDIANA MY STATE, GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS (State Standards Publishing, Spring 2015), and magazine articles for magazines BackHome, Humpty Dumpty, Scholastic Instructor and more.

My best advice to aspiring authors? Read, read, read! The more quality stories you read, the more you are filled with good writing. And never give up! Rejection is part of this business. In fact, it’s part of life. Learn from it and move forward. Best wishes to you always!